Februar - April 2024

Englisch  -  UNIcert III (C1)

Academic English with a Focus on IELTS (11. - 15.03.24) - PRÄSENZ

This course will focus on the four skills, reading, writing, listening and speaking in preparation for a typical IELTS exam on the last day. It will emphasize the fluent articulation of ideas and arguments mainly through speaking practice, while also developing listening and reading skills. 

There will also be a focus on the writing skills required for the final written argumentative essay.

However, given the length of the course, speaking will not form part of the final mark, as a typical IELTS speaking test would be too time-consuming.

Active involvement in class discussions and completion of assignments will prepare students for final IELTS-style tests in all four skill areas at the end of the course. 

The course covers:

• Speaking - describing and discussing an experience: Students will improve their speaking skills by engaging in topical discussions.

• Listening beyond surface meaning: Listening skills will be improved through various forms of media as well as through practice of typical IELTS listening tests.

• Reading - Diverse reading materials with an academic English for IELTS focus as well as other topics of general interest provide the basis for stimulating discussion and critical thinking.

• Writing an argumentative essay: The writing element will focus on a typical IELTS argumentative essay.

 IELTS-style tests in listening, reading and writing areas will determine final course grades.


Voraussetzung: Online-Einstufungstest mit 65 bis 100 Punkten.
91070    9-14 Mo-Fr DOR 65, 3.48  D. Dombrowsky  3 ECTS-Punkte  90 €